Water Disinfection for Legionella Control

HydroChem provides water disinfection services and equipment for Legionella and pathogen control to over 700 healthcare facilities across Australia, from major tertiary hospitals to aged care facilities.

Water System Disinfection Services and Equipment Includes:

  • Preventative water care programs that manage disinfection levels to respond to the quality of the municipal water supply and the risks identified in the reticulated or water storage systems to minimise bacterial growth.
  • Systemic decontamination of a facility’s entire water distribution system in response to adverse microbial results.
  • Commissioning of newly constructed plumbing networks in new sites and renovated facilities.
  • AS 5369 compliant sampling, including for final rinse water for manual and washer disinfectors, and feed water for steam sterilisers. Testing complies with AS 5369:2023 Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and other devices in health and non-health related facilities. Download our brochure.

With our substantial in-field experience, we understand what to expect and how to manage the substantial challenges of disinfecting large and small scale pipework connected to an array of medical equipment and critical assets.  We also understand the importance of liaising with all stakeholders to streamline any interventions, to minimise disruption to the care of patients and residents. Whether you require a one-off disinfection or ongoing programs that provide the protection of a disinfectant residual, we can provide all equipment, service and monitoring of this essential operational control.

Our experienced team will assess your site and determine the most efficient disinfection methods to provide reliable disinfectant residual across all outlets in a facility.

Our continuous on-line disinfection programs are cost-effective solutions to prevent Legionella.  Our equipment and services provide peace of mind with monitoring of disinfectant residuals and online reporting of results.