The Guidelines have shifted the focus of Legionella risk management from warm water systems to the entire water distribution system of the facility (including incoming mains, all outlets, fire protection, irrigation and pools). The Guidelines do not apply to cooling towers, which are addressed at state and territory level.
The National Guidelines sit over each State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” nonprescriptive guidance.
A state by state break down of legislation
The control measures in place throughout Australia have legislative backing, although the means of enactment varies from State to State. Each State’s regulatory framework was enacted prior to the release of the National Guidelines for Legionella. The State framework provides a mixture of both prescriptive requirements and non-prescriptive recommendations.
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
Aged Care, Health Services, Health Service Establishments, Registered Funded Agencies, Correctional Services and Commercial Vehicle Washes
Government documentation
New South Wales
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Mandatory for all systems that deliver water to the outlet at ≤ 60C
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
Hospitals & Aged Care
Government documentation
Australian Capital Territory
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the Territory’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
All Warm Water Systems
Government documentation
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system. The Queensland legislation, whilst aligned, may in some instances stipulate stricter controls and must be consulted.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
All hospital and aged care facilities
Government documentation
Western Australia
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Yes. General provisions under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Mines Safety and Inspection Act and Health Act and specific under Health (Air-handling and Water Systems) Regulations.
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
Not specified
Government documentation
South Australia
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
All Warm Water Systems
Government documentation
Northern Territory
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the Territory’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
Not specified
Government documentation
The National Guidelines for Legionella Control sit above the State’s regulatory framework providing “best practice” guidance to assess and manage the risks posed by the facility’s entire water distribution system.
Is there legislation?
Is a Risk Management Plan required?
Is Legionella sampling required?
Is corrective action required?
What are the applicable facilities?
Not specified
Government documentation