HydroChem has been around for over 40 years and a key focus is staying abreast of advancing technologies in the current climate.

“Recent advances that we have made are things like digital reporting. All of our technicians in the field are able to send their reports from the field and the delivery to the client are electronic.”

HydroChem CEO, Nick Duncan believes that innovation quite often is about being able to solve issues on site. Watch the full video and read the full transcript below.

Read the transcript:

HydroChem started 40 years ago and obviously in the past 40 years technology has advanced without question. And one of the focuses of myself and the people around me has been to make sure that we’re never having to make any huge jumps in terms of technology to keep up with the current climate risks and advances that we’ve made, things like digital reporting. So that all of our technicians in the field are able to receive and send the reports from the field and also delivery to the client is all electronic.

Other risks and advances have included the release of a portal for customers so that all of the data that’s collected in the field is now available digitally to our customers. That means that we may have been collecting data on a site for a number of years and now clients are able to access the portal to review results over those number of years, whether it be on an individual system or across an entire portfolio. So we’re obviously able to deliver in terms of technology but at the same time innovation is quite often is about solving people’s problems on a site.

I can think of one example recently that occurred where a client called us in to resolve an issue for them and that had quotes in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range. And we analyzed the issue and were able to develop a solution for less than \$30,000. And the resolution of that problem came down to our experience and knowledge of the site. And we were able to combine two or three different technologies and resolve the issue for them. Obviously, the client was very satisfied. That system’s been up and running for a year now. And they’re obviously very happy.

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