Easy-to-use descaler. Removes slime and algae.
Scalex is designed to remove lime scale (calcium carbonate), heavy slime and algae growth from towers, pipes and condensers. Scalex is safe for use on wood and commonly used metals.
Directions for Use
Dose 100g of Scalex per 1000L of system water. Circulate for 16 to 24 hours and then flush until the pH returns to neutral. Discharge to sewer may require pH adjustment to meet regulated discharge limits. The spent Scalex cleaning solution can be neutralised with bicarbonate of soda or soda ash. Following descaling, the water treatment program should be re-established. Re-dose the system with corrosion and scale inhibitor such as Rust-Bloc (refer to product bulletin instructions). DO NOT USE Scalex on galvanised surfaces. It is recommended to conduct a trial on non vital components.
Pack Size
4Kg Pail
Safety Information
CORROSIVE. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective eye wear and gloves when mixing or using. First Aid: For advice contact the Poisons Information Centre. Phone 131126 (Australia) or a doctor at once. If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. If in eyes hold eyelids apart and flush the eye continuously with water until advised to stop by Poisons information centre or doctor, or for at least 15 minutes. If contact with skin or hair occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin or hair with running water. Refer to the SDS for further information.